8 Ways For Restful Night’s Sleep

If you don’t get enough hours of sleep, then you are going to be a mess the next day. If you have several terrible nights in a row, just imagine how you’re going to be a wreck that week. Getting not just enough sleep, but full peaceful sleep (the right kinds of sleep) is vital to living a healthy life.

But how can you ensure that you are getting enough full, complete, restful sleep every night? Just follow these eight (8) guidelines for a peaceful night’s sleep. You’ll feel better and everyone else around you will like how you’re not cranky.


Turn off the phone at least twenty minutes before you lay down for the night. The light from your phone stimulates your brain too much and you won’t be able to get restful sleep. Unplug so you can unwind.


Your mind will start to drift if you can distract it from the day’s worries. Get into a good book (but not so good that you can’t stand to put it down) and your eyelids will start to droop before you know it.

Go to bed on time

Stick to a schedule and try to go to sleep around the same time every night. If you can get your body into a certain routine, then you’ll be able to drift off a little easier every night.

Get up on time

Just like putting yourself to bed at the same time every night, it’s important to stay on schedule for when you wake up as well. Keeping your body on a routine, both at night and in the morning, is essential for a peaceful night’s sleep.

Don’t let naps hold you back

Napping is okay, but let’s not get crazy. Don’t let yourself take hours-long naps on a daily basis. Maybe a little power nap occasionally is okay, and can keep you focused and refreshed.

Start out your day with sunshine

Believe it or not, starting off your day makes a huge impact on how you end it. It sets the rhythm for everything. When you get up, throw open the curtains and soak in that sunshine to snap your brain into getting going.

Spend more time outside

Again, your body needs to be put into a rhythm, and part of that is being active. Get outdoors every day so that you can get some sun and tell your body that you’ve had an active day. This way, when it’s time to relax for bed, your body will feel that you’ve already accomplished enough and it’s time to conk out for the evening.

Don’t eat or drink right before bed

If you chug a cup of caffeine-laced coffee right before you try and drift off to sleep, what do you think will happen? Your body will stay stimulated if you eat something sugary or drink something packed with energy right before bed, so avoid those late night snacks.